Madi turns 5 today and I can't believe how fast it's gone!! I was just telling her this morning of when she was just 2 weeks old and I remember her little pink and white outfit with circles on the top, and a cute little bib. She was so cute and little with big round eyes!! She was a wonderful surprise for our family 5 years ago today at 6:15pm! Our house was overcome with pink, purple, and flowers. A nice change from bold striped polos, and sports themed everything!! She has become quite the little girlie girl! She changes her clothes five times a day and wears all sorts of combinations of outfits and layers. Her style is one-of-a-kind. She wants to be a mom when she grows up and I pray that will out-mom me! Most of all we pray for her heart to be changed by the Lord Jesus and that she would desire to please Him in whatever He has planned for her. We are so thankful for her and sparkling eyes!!

For her birthday party she wanted Strawberry Shortcake! We scored a great deal on party supplies at Factory Card Outlet and bought a ton of stuff for her 'girl' party!! She was so excited to have her girlfriends over to play! They decorated cupcakes, played pin the strawberry, and girlie things!!!

And no I did not make this!! Ben's cousin did and didn't she do a great job?!!!

After Madi's party we had a family party! We grilled out and enjoyed the wonderful weather while trying not to get run over by Jake!

Seriously he is a great driver.... hits his target every time!!!

When the kids opened their presents their brothers read the cards for them it was soooo cute! I love seeing them love and help each other!!