After I'm sure countless top-secret considerations, careful planning, and many taste tests, the Creator & President of 'Ben & Jeni's' blended together 5 yummy delights that make up our smorgasbord of flavors! They are each a wonderful mix of both Ben and Jeni! Not only did He consider every option in concocting these delights, but He did it in a way that would make many who would partake of these flavors praise Him for His work! Many of those we hope will join the company after seeing how creative our President is and the incredible vision He has for the future of this company. This is definitely not a company with a corrupt CEO that will take everything from you and give nothing in return. On the contrary He gives Himself up for us and offers us more than all the bonuses this world can offer. With no interview at all, the job is yours for the taking, just note that there are no vacations from this job and the pay is delayed though you will receive compensation along the way in the form of joy and various bonuses which may be according to your performance (attention to detail and diligence) while following the Presidents commands. Did I mention job security is guaranteed 100%, once hired you can never be fired! Excited yet? Well take a look at a few of His creations now...

Hi I'm Braden. I'm the oldest of the kids at age 9! I have an amazing imagination and love to make up stories and think things through in my head! I really love my littlest brother Jake and he loves me too. My favorite subjects in school are history and science. My favorite bible verse is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" . In my free time I like to draw, do science experiments, read mystery books, play pool, play football with friends after CTA, and play basketball. When I grow up I want to be an artist!

Hi I'm Gabe! I'm the second oldest in my family at 6 years old. I don't like ice cream or milk, that's why I'm a sorbet and not an ice cream! I'm very independent and have a certain way I like to do things! I'm fast and love to race my brothers. My favorite subject in school is spelling, I can spell the word 'beginnings'. I like to, play basketball, play wii, drive golf carts and walk in the woods at my grandpa's cabin, go swimming at my grandma Paula's house, and go to the zoo. I really love music and listening to my ipod. When I grow up I want to be a policeman! My favorite verse in the bible is Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

My name is Ethan! I'm the infamous middle child! And have the middle child syndrome... My mom says I sometimes fight for attention in the wrong way. I am an extremely sweet boy and I often come up to my mom and say "I love you mom" out of the blue! I have the cutest dimples, at least that's what my parents tell me. My favorite bible verse is Matthew 4:4"Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God", I really like learning new sounds and writing them on paper, I also like coloring and doing mazes. I love, love, love to play on the computer any chance I get! My favorite board game is Memory, but I'll play any game in the game closet if someone will play with me! And I REALLY love my dog Husker, sometimes too much!

I'm Madi! If you ask me my name I'll probably say "Madi 3" cause I'm 3 and I usually put those together! As you can see I'm the only dirl(girl) in the family besides mommy. I am daddy's little dirl(girl)! I love to sit in my room and play Polly's, change my outfit 4-5times a day, twirl in my dresses, and love on my baby brother Jake! Jakey doesn't mind at all when I dress him up in my clothes and shoes! He sometimes screams and pushes me away but I think that's just his way of saying 'I love you'...cuz he can't talk berry(very) well yet! My favorite song is 'Jesus Loves Me'. I LOVE to care for my babies, nurse them, rock them, and put them to bed! I dream of being a 'big mom' someday like my mom! (haha! thanks Madi!)

Well as you can see I'm the last scoop! Save the best for last right? My name is Jake and I'm 1. What I lack in age I make up for in mischief (foolishness says mom)!!! Mom says Jesus can turn me around if I trust in Him for salvation! I'm the boy-est a boy can be! I love to be outside digging in the dirt and imitate whatever my brothers do, which sometimes gets me in trouble or injured! I also imitate my sister, she dresses me up (in her clothes), I put her purse on my arm and away I go. Everyone smiles so I must look good! When I've done something I shouldn't(or am about to), and mom walks in the room, I'm REALLY quick to drop the evidence and open my arms WIDE to her and say "hud, hud" (hug, hug). I love hugs and kisses, "hud, tiss". I'm learning new words everyday! I love to chase Hutters (Husker). He's super quick so I don't always catch him but when I do he greets me with a "hello" in a deep growly voice, and tisses me. I know he loves me too! My next favorite thing to do is have my brothers spin me in circles on the computer chair in the living room. They get me down and I proceed to do the 'need a V8 slant walk' into the nearest piece of furniture/family member! Everyone laughs so I keep doing it, I really like to please others!!!
The cherry on top!
Husker's my name, sleepin's my game! If I had my own scoop I'd be 'Vanilla Fudge Brownie' but they won't give me a scoop, only a cherry! I turned 4years old on Dec 9th! So technically I should be the up there after the 3rd scoop, but I guess nobody puts the cherry in the middle of a cone! Anywho, I love long walks in the park(which I almost never get-instead I get a great big backyard and there aren't any other dogs in there to chase only these strange looking little creatures that run on two legs after me all the time even though they never catch me). I also love long naps on the couch! Unfortunately I rarely get those either because a couple of those little creatures I was telling you about really like to hug and kiss me a lot, but they don't do it like I want them to. I keep telling them to be gentle and kind with me but mom keeps tapping my nose and says "stop growling". I was simply telling them "no thank you","not now I'm napping". After they finish studying the renaissance I think they should do a unit study on manners!! Well that about sums up my life, interests and trials!! I'm getting sleepy!
Well there you have it folks a taste of the flavors of 'Ben & Jeni's'. May God bless you and lead in truth and love!!
this is the cutest EVER. LOVE it. :)
You are so cute and creative. How fun to read!
Very creative Jeni!
Love it Jeni! I am a subscriber! =)
Jeni - this turned out AMAZING!!!!! You are so completely creative - such a gift the Lord has blessed you with, to use to bless your family & others! Love the new layout choice too, isn't this fun? Can't wait to keep up-to-date on your blog!;) TOO FUN!!!!!
Super cool! And you said you couldn't write - I don't believe you anymore!
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