It's a bitter/sweet day here at the Russell household.... You could now, if you stopped by for a visit, walk through the house room by room and would not spot a crib anywhere. For 10 years and 36 days we've had one inhabiting at least one if not two rooms in our home! A little longer if you were to count one being vacant until Braden's arrival!
Jake is officially a big boy now! Well as big as he can be yet still wet in his pants...that's next!!

Here is his new bed, opposite E's and across the room from his two oldest brothers, B and G's. He's adjusting quite well. To answer your question, "Yes!" He does get out but with a quick discipline and a talkin' to he responds far! When we first moved him in with the boys we had his crib up in the room but after a night or two he began climbing out and getting into his big-boy bed to sleep. So after only one week we took down his crib ;-( and now he's one of the boys. No longer the baby, though he still refers to himself as "Mommy's baby boy" with a 'little' prodding! ;-)
For your delight I thought I'd share a couple of funny crib photos that I came across. I'm sure there is more but here is a few good ones!

Ethan (2.5 at the time) thought it'd be fun to clear out Madi's closet, or at least the things he could reach, and let her play with them in her crib!! I wonder how many of those shoes hit her in the head. :-( Poor girl! And you can't see it but she has a hanger up around her left shoulder!

We had gone to the zoo and after we returned home I laid Jake down for a late nap. He was a bit crabby that day and was being very stubborn about going to sleep. I let him cry it out for about 10min or so and when I went in to check on him, well there he was pressed up against the side of the crib on his knees! Too cute!!

Here Jake is on his computer pillow!
Jake is officially a big boy now! Well as big as he can be yet still wet in his pants...that's next!!

Here is his new bed, opposite E's and across the room from his two oldest brothers, B and G's. He's adjusting quite well. To answer your question, "Yes!" He does get out but with a quick discipline and a talkin' to he responds far! When we first moved him in with the boys we had his crib up in the room but after a night or two he began climbing out and getting into his big-boy bed to sleep. So after only one week we took down his crib ;-( and now he's one of the boys. No longer the baby, though he still refers to himself as "Mommy's baby boy" with a 'little' prodding! ;-)
For your delight I thought I'd share a couple of funny crib photos that I came across. I'm sure there is more but here is a few good ones!
Ethan (2.5 at the time) thought it'd be fun to clear out Madi's closet, or at least the things he could reach, and let her play with them in her crib!! I wonder how many of those shoes hit her in the head. :-( Poor girl! And you can't see it but she has a hanger up around her left shoulder!
We had gone to the zoo and after we returned home I laid Jake down for a late nap. He was a bit crabby that day and was being very stubborn about going to sleep. I let him cry it out for about 10min or so and when I went in to check on him, well there he was pressed up against the side of the crib on his knees! Too cute!!
Here Jake is on his computer pillow!
Here is Ethan's first night in his convertible toddler bed/crib! I know, I know he's a bit old(almost 3) to be moving him from the crib. But I was holding out as long as possible to keep my sanity by having him contained! He did such a great job of obeying mommy and staying in his bed, well for a couple nights at least!!
And we're cribless!!! ;-) ;-(
Wow Jeni! I know we should probably switch Emmy into her convertible crib Big girl bed too! :) I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet! :) It's hard to believe isn't it? You switched the boys' room around, no bunk beds? I like the way it looks though & you definitely have the space! Where did you put the couch in the basement?
I know how you feel! I didn't want to put Braden in a big boy bed either. Something about the 1st one! And YES it is hard to believe they're 2!! Where does time go? We took the bunks apart and took out the couch and it fits great! The boys love it too!
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