Looking at my life from the outside I don't feel I have much reason to have a broken heart. I could make a lengthy list of the many blessings I have been given, but looking into my heart it's obvious. If I don't consistently examine my heart and my place before a sovereign God I can easily keep focused on the many blessings God has graced our family with and forget to praise the one whom all praise is due! I read through the prayers of puritans in Valley of Vision almost daily and sometimes I'll read the same one for many days in a row if it touches or
stings my heart. This particular one tugs at my heart, this line(though all are great) really jumped out at me tonight:
I am guilty, but pardoned, lost, but saved,
wandering, but found,
sinning, but cleansed.
Give me perpetual broken-heartedness,
Keep me always clinging to thy cross,
Here it is in full, enjoy and may your heart be stirred to cling to Him in good times and bad:
The Broken Heart
from Valley of Vision
No day of my life has passed
that has not proved me guilty in thy sight.
Prayers have been uttered from a prayerless heart;
Praise has been often praiseless sound;
My best services are filthy rags.
Blessed Jesus, let me find a covert in thy appeasing wounds.
Though my sins rise to heaven thy merits soar above them;
Though unrighteousness weighs me down to hell,
thy righteousness exalts me to thy throne.
All things in me call for my rejection,
All things in thee plead my acceptance.
I appeal from the throne of perfect justice
to thy throne of boundless grace,
Grant me to hear thy voice assuring me:
that by thy stripes I am healed,
that thou wast bruised for my iniquities,
that thou hast been made sin for me
that I might be righteous in thee,
that my grievous sins, my manifold sins,
are all forgiven,
buried in the ocean of thy concealing blood.
I am guilty, but pardoned,
lost, but saved,
wandering, but found,
sinning, but cleansed.
Give me perpetual broken-heartedness,
Keep me always clinging to thy cross,
Flood me every moment with descending grace,
Open to me the springs of divine knowledge,
sparkling like crystal,
flowing clear and unsullied
through my wilderness of life.