I cannot believe Jakey's already two! He has definitely
surprised us time and time again with his antics,
sudden aggressiveness, and sweetness. The first surprise was the fact that he was joining our family! Back in Oct of '06 I got my wisdom teeth out. Now you may be wondering what in the world my teeth have to do with getting pregnant but bear with me! If you know the female body very well at all you may know that some things including, stress-medication-medical procedures, can cause a woman's body to delay ovulation! Well you guessed it, I ovulated about eleven days late and subsequently got Jake!! Overall my pregnancy was ok except for the morning sickness! YUK!!

My due date was July 19th 2007. In preparing for his arrival we had to move the three boys downstairs in order to have a room for him, which was to serve as the schoolroom too! We finished their room downstairs in record time thanks to my wonderful husband and my awesome little brother! I felt great at the end of my pregnancy and remember praying for another week, a few times, because I wasn't ready for him! I had school planning to do and finishing touches on the basement! Well God answered my prayer and he came three days late! Yeah!!! It was a Sunday morning at 7:30am when my water broke at home! I wasn't contracting but we wanted to get to the hospital quickly since my labors are fast! So we arrive at the hospital and I'm still not contracting, maybe every 10-15min or so but none strong enough to notice. Now the was race is on to get my body going. We tried walking, squatting, relaxing, and everything else we could think of to get some contractions coming! The hospital staff was wanting to put me on pitocin and I did not want it at all!! Well after eight hours of nothing happening I agreed to
some pitocin but
I wanted to be in charge of how often they increased the dosage. The contractions were surprisingly controlled, unlike my last two labors. Once I was in a good pattern we lowered the pitocin and my body took over! It was very tough but God is gracious and I didn't die!! As I thought I might!! I'm happy to say that after 11 hours and 3 minutes since my water broke Jacob William Russell graced us with his arrival at 7:03pm weighing in at 8lb 5oz!

I am overcome with emotion as I look into this little guys eyes! At the boys' soccer practice last week he was, well, being "Jakey". So I told him we were going to walk over to the park to go play on the slides! At first he didn't want to because daddy was playing with the boys and he wanted daddy, but then he took a second look and thought it good to go and slide. While walking I had to keep calling him along (he tends to get a bit distracted by puppies and airplanes!). Once he saw the bright red and yellow slides his face lit up like the sun and started full speed ahead with his sights focused in on his target! I cannot express the emotion I felt when I saw his face looking up at me in excitement! I truly am blessed to have this little one. With tears in my eyes I ran with him to the slides giving thanks to God for even the little moments in life with my 'sweet' little Jakey!! I love you son and am praying for your salvation even now!! My God be glorified in your eventful life!!
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