Madi Marie

I'm so thankful to my Lord for giving us a little girl amongst all the silly boys in our home. She has been such a delight to our family! I had always pictured myself having four boys, no girls. But I sure am glad God gave us one! She is the girlyest girl you could get. She LOVES her babies. Feeding them, rocking them, putting them to bed, taking them for a walk, you name it she does it with her babies. She said she wants a "dirl" baby when she grows up and she'll come visit me at my house!! (sniff sniff) "Not to soon baby girl".
When I think back on July 25, 2005 I can't help but smile. My due date was July 20th. We were greatly anticipating the arrival of baby number 4! For her three older brothers we found out the gender during their ultrasounds.
But with her we DIDN'T want to know! Frankly I was POSITIVE she was a boy. That's what we knew how to make! So her name was to be Jacob William Russell, little did we know that God was going to give us "Jacob William Russell" just not for another two years! So during the ultrasound I kept looking away,
like I would really be able to tell with a glance! It was nearing my due date and I couldn't wait to deliver I was very uncomfortable the closer I got to the my pregnancy.

I thought for sure she was just going to drop out of me at any moment as the pain in my pelvis was something fierce for sure!! On Wed the 20th (my due date) I was having a friend over and was trying to get the dishes in the dishwasher before she came. As I was loading I felt a sharp pain on the top of my tummy. I pulled a muscle. It started getting worse and by the time my friend arrived I was on the couch and could not move much without it hurting badly! Of course it started my contractions and that was very painful plus the fact that my muscles were stretched as far as they could go. So I was praying that I wouldn't go into labor because I knew it would be more than I could bear! As the next few days went by the pain lessened.

The following Monday happened to be the first day of the boys' swim lessons! We planned on going swimming after lessons but it didn't work out so we opted to go home for a nap! I no more got the boys in bed and go to lay down for nap and my water breaks! Braden seemed a little frightened when I told him to go get a towel for me! I immediately called Ben then my sister-in-law. She came to sit with the kids til my step mom got there. It was 3:30pm when we arrived at the hospital and my labor kicked in fast! I tried the birth ball and couldn't handle the pressure, and pressing on my lower back was unbearable too! I succumbed to the fact (so I thought) that I
could not and
did not want to go through with this any longer!

I decided to lay down on the bed and my contractions sped up and a few came in doubles through transition! OUCH!! I was ready to push and when her head was out I didn't believe them! The very next contraction out she came. I was so exhausted I didn't even look down at her. Once we saw it was a girl we were ecstatic! I couldn't believe we had a daughter!! I Love you so much my little Madi!! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for your life!
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