Our new bibles!
This Sunday our Pastor announced that as a church body we will be switching from the New American Standard Version of the bible to the English Standard Version. I have only ever had the New King James Version and never thought of getting a different version til now! The ESV is based on the KJV(so not very different) and William Tyndale's New Testament translations from the 1500's. (Braden thought that was really cool having just learned about him in school a few weeks ago) It came out in 2001 and is becoming evermore popular among respected bible scholars of today. As our Pastor stated, there are a few reasons it's gaining attention and approval:
First, it is a literal 'word-for-word' translation as opposed to 'thought-for-thought' wherein the 'translator' essentially turns into an interpreter telling you what they think it means and not just giving you the original God-breathed words. "A world class team of Christian Bible Scholars compared the
ESV text against the best Greek and Hebrew manuscripts" to confirm its accuracy. Now in case you're confused about all these 'versions' and don't know which is in which category, the NASB, KJV, NKJV and also ESV are together in the category of literal 'word-for-word' translations unlike the NIV or NLV which are thought for thought'.
Second, while keeping the commitment to literal translation the ESV has great literary quality. It is easy to read as it flows nicely keeping with today's English. We can attest to this! We have been reading John from our ESV's and are enjoying it! (Again just a couple of word or sentence structure changes, not content!!)
Finally and above all, the bible is the very
Word of God! Accuracy in translating it is vital. For it is THE most important book ever written! I thank God for the many faithful workers He has given over the past 500+ years that have been committed to making sure people can read His word in their own language.